The August kidlit chat / surgery session is now live. In this session scheduled on 27th August 2021, 6 pm, London, UK time (BST), we will continue with our new format.
Part 1: An author talk / masterclass
Part 2: Q&A
We're delighted to announce that our Aug 2021 guest speaker is the award-winning YA writer Savita Kalhan. She will talk to the attendees about writing YA, how she writes, how she gathers ideas and much more.
In Part 2 - Chitra Soundar (the host) and Savita Kalhan will answer questions about writing, publishing, and whatever else you want to find out about writing for children and young people.
Who is eligible to attend?
You are a British writer of colour
You're newly published or an aspiring writer of colour living and working in the UK
As per the registration form below, we ask you to self-identify.
We will not record the calls and it will remain a free place you can come and find out more from writers who have gone up the hill before you. It's a safe space to network, ask questions and get support and encouragement.
Register here for a place! You will be sent the links to join the online meeting before the session.