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The story behind the story – Me, in the Middle

This month on our blog, we invite Annette Demetriou, to talk about the story behind the story - Me in the Middle, which is out today by Owlet Press. This book is illustrated by Angela Mayers.

Welcome Annette, please tell us about the inspiration behind this book and what everyone can learn from this experience as a writer.


Hello and thank you so much for having me on The Colourful Bookshelf to talk about my new book Me, in the Middle, and the story behind the story.

As a writer, sometimes you can be working on an idea for ages. Not that you have writer’s block, or that it’s a bad idea. But it takes time, and patience and the willingness to put in a huge amount of work to get the right angle and sense of flow. But other times, something a bit magical happens! Me, in the Middle was like that for me. The initial story fell right out of my fingertips, and even though it was quite an emotional roller-coaster, something about it felt so right.

Me, in the Middle is loosely based on a real event that happened to me at school. I am mixed race, with black heritage, but I don’t look mixed at all, and don’t really fit into a category of being black or white (almost) either.

One day at primary school, we were essentially asked to identify ourselves by our heritage as part of a lesson taking place in the playground. Everyone was quite clear where they needed to stand, except me! I dithered, very much like my leading character Georgie, not knowing what I was or where I should be going.

It created so much uncertainty and a feeling of not belonging because it was negatively highlighted in front of the whole class at the time. The poor teacher automatically presumed I was white British, based on my colour, and I got into a lot of trouble because I said that I was half and half and didn’t fit. And it really stuck to me.

I remember feeling very silly and even went as far needing to look at my dad and check that I wasn’t mistaken, and that he was actually brown!

It became an event that simmered under the surface, reminding me that I didn’t fit like everyone else.

However, it wasn’t until absolutely years later that I happened to be watching a very high-profile interview on TV where a person’s colour was brought into focus, and my story sort of fell out of me as a picture book idea.

At the time, bearing in mind this was only last year, I was still extremely awkward and emotional about the topic. I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to read it, or if I could bear to have that experience on the table for anyone to read. However, with a lot of support from Sam, the Publisher at Owlet Press, Me in the Middle was officially born, inspired by wanting to show that mixed race children with a black heritage come in all sorts of shades, shapes and sizes. Just like me!

And underpinning the story is the idea that you just cannot categorise anyone at a glance, because we are all so much more than what can be seen on the surface.

It’s become a lovely celebration of showing that families can be made up in so many different ways, each truly special. I’m really proud of the book, and the way my leading lady Georgie was able to find so much happiness in celebrating her far reaching roots. It makes me smile, knowing that if I’m having a little wobble, I can pop into Me, in the Middle for a read, and remind myself to be a bit more Georgie!

If you’re thinking of pouring a real event or experience into a new book idea, I can’t recommend it enough. Even if no one else is going to read it.

Me in the Middle is out today and you can buy right here!


Annette Demetriou is the author of picture books Wild (2021), co-written with Dawn White, and Me, in the Middle (March 2022, both Owlet Press). Annette is passionate about creating stories that address the everyday issues our children face through positive messages. Her mixed heritage background has sparked her enthusiasm for wanting to see and celebrate a wealth of diversity in picture books.

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